Our Advisory Board
FORF’s Advisory Board provides counsel and support to the Foundation.
- Philippe Armand, Chairman & CEO, Group Dynamic, S.A.
- Frantz Behrmann, President, Berhmann Motors
- Dominique Carvonis, Presidente DFC Consultants
- Joelle Cerge, Financial Advisor, Ameriprise Inc.
- Frank Etienne, Ecrivain
- Marie-Andree Etienne, VP du club international BPW de Port-au-Prince
- Charles J. Fombrun, Chairman, Reputation Institute
- Fondation SOGEBANK
- Peter Frisch, PDG de la Maison Deschamps et des Editions Deschamps
- Laenec Hurbon, Directeur de recherches au CNRS
- Marie Carmel Lafontant, Fondatrice et Presidente du CHREPROF et VP, Club International BPW
- Edmond Magny, Agronome, Geographe et auteur
- Gerald Oriol, President TECINA
- Gina Porcena, Directrice Directrice Generale Centre National de l’Information Geospatiale (CNGS)
- Lyonel Pressoir, President de la Fondation Destination Haiti (DESTHA)