De la résolution découlant des travaux du forum « Sur les traces de nos ancêtres amérindiens », les signataires du document proposent « que le mois de mars (mois du massacre de milliers de Taïnos au combat de la Vega Real, mois de la disparition tragique de Caonabo, de la trahison et de la pendaison […]
EN SAVOIR PLUSPour la sauvegarde du patrimoine musical haïtien En fin pédagogue, Karine Margron fustige, une pointe de tristesse dans le ton, l’invasion des nouveaux rythmes étrangers : pop, RnB, rap et reggae. Elle déplore la facilité trop flagrante qu’offre la technologie qui nous bombarde de musiques synthétiques. Elle propose, projection et exemples musicaux à l’appui, des […]
EN SAVOIR PLUS[epa-album id=”7803″ show_title=”false” display=”excerpt”]
EN SAVOIR PLUS[epa-album id=”7769″ show_title=”false” display=”excerpt”]
EN SAVOIR PLUS[epa-album id=”7693″ show_title=”false” display=”excerpt”]
EN SAVOIR PLUSLes 6 et 7 août 2009, Madame Fombrun a participé au deuxième Congrès Annuel international des haïtiens de la diasporaqui s’est tenu à Sunny Isles en Floride. Elle était accompagnée d’un membre du Conseil de Direction de la FORF, le Dr Charles Fombrun et de son neveu, Christian Roy Fombrun. La rencontre comportait des présentations sur […]
EN SAVOIR PLUSOdette Roy Fombrun delivered a dynamic and inspirational presentation to an assembled audience of some 200 members of the Haitian diaspora in Bayside, New York. She was the featured keynote speaker at the annual educational forum hosted and sponsored by EMG Health, Fondation Lucienne Deschamps, and Health First, and organized by Mrs. Elsy Guibert. Other […]
EN SAVOIR PLUS“Songs of Haiti” Is a project launched by classically-trained Haitian singer Karine Margronand Haiti’s renown conductor and composer Julio Racine. Its purpose is to transcribe, record, safeguard, and promote Haiti’s rich heritage of traditional folk songs. FORF has endorsed this project and is acting as a partner to the initiative. FORF’s objective is to support the preservation of […]
EN SAVOIR PLUSFORF is planning, organizing, and hosting a symposium to be held in March 21-24, 2013 in Haiti. Invited panelists include a wide range of researchers, ethnographers, collectors, and curators with an interest in Haiti’s native Taino culture. The purpose of the symposium is: To increase awareness of Haiti’s Taino past and heritage To encourage heightened […]
EN SAVOIR PLUSFORF is participating in the development of a local initiative to stimulate entrepreneurship in the Ganthier region of Haiti at the Parc Naturel Quisqueya, through a partnership with Fondation Etre Ayisien and FONDTAH . The initiative is designed to implement FORF’s plan to stimulate local tourism by aligning local interests with those of diaspora members […]
EN SAVOIR PLUSThe Chansons d’Haiti project is moving along well and the following events took place over the last six months: July 2nd 2012: Presentation of music project by Karine Margron to personalities of the music world and music school directors. Great enthusiasm for “Chansons d’Haiti”. November 22, 2012: Official launching of “Chansons d’Haiti” first phase project, […]
EN SAVOIR PLUSFORF’s Special Forum on Haiti’s Amerindian Heritage will take place April 18-20, 2013 at the Hotel Kinam in Petionville. The program is set, presenters are polishing their presentations, sponsors are coming forward with financial contributions, and participants are enrolling. Join us! To register for the Forum, send us an email at LOGISTICS Opening Event: […]
EN SAVOIR PLUSFORF’s Special Forum on Haiti’s Amerindian Heritage will take place April 18-20, 2013 at the Hotel Kinam in Petionville. The program is set, presenters are polishing their presentations, sponsors are coming forward with financial contributions, and participants are enrolling. Join us! To register for the Forum, send us an email LOGISTICS Opening Event: Evening […]
EN SAVOIR PLUSLa FORF appuie l’expédition spéléologique Ayiti Toma 2009, un projet d’étude des grottes en Haïti lancé par un journaliste professionnel, photographe Carole Devillers et spéléologue Olivier Testa. Les trois principaux objectifs du projet sont de rechercher des vestiges, artefacts et peintures dans les caves de la culture indienne Taino, d’étudier les grottes sacrées et les […]
EN SAVOIR PLUSLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. [inwave_simple_list style=”check-circle”] Viet Nam Cambodia China Bumar India [/inwave_simple_list]
EN SAVOIR PLUSLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. [inwave_simple_list style=”check-circle”] Nigeria South Africa Congo Zimbabue [/inwave_simple_list]
EN SAVOIR PLUS+(509) 3170-6000
+1 (305) 767-2511
Fondation Odette Roy Fombrun
26 Rue Borno, Bois Moquette,
Petion-ville Haiti HT6140
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